Are you conscious that you give new information more credence than older, and maybe more reliable, information? Do you gravitate towards “experts” who speak with emphasis and certainty about subjects that are inherently uncertain? Do you claim to be a “risk taker” and then feel exceedingly anxious at the first sign of market turmoil? Do you have a pulse? These are just a few signs of the human condition, and none of us are immune. When faced with challenging facts with regards to our investments and financial life in general, we have a tendency to do the wrong thing at the wrong time. While making decisions under duress, our brains trick us into believing we are using our rational mind, while in fact we are using our emotional and instinctive mind. Knowing this is half the battle, but overcoming it is quite the challenge. Financial Coach prides itself on creating a considerable amount of value for our clients by understanding these instincts and serving as the important barrier between our clients and behavioral mistakes. When things get too hot, Financial Coach is the circuit breaker that trips, helping our clients avoid “overheating” and watching their goals go up in smoke.
Aside from keeping our clients from succumbing to natural and often self-sabotaging inclinations, Financial Coach walks our patrons through the myriad of obstacles and issues they may face in their modern and ever-changing lives. Our goal is to ensure the end plan reflects the life they want to live. Thought-provoking questions and realistic plans can help you overcome the challenges in, but not limited to, the following situations:
“What is the agenda?” We think that this is a very reasonable question that a financial consumer should be asking, both of the financial media that they digest as well as the financial products that they purchase. All too often, however, either the question is never raised or the purveyor of the show/product overcomes or avoids the question entirely. They highlight the shiny and new, the bells and the whistles, while downplaying or downright ignoring “what is under the hood.” At Financial Coach, we have a problem with this. As Upton Sinclair so famously mused, “it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it.” The financial press takes full advantage of our primal fears and feeds us the “disaster du jour,” and in turn sells lots of advertising space. The financial product manufacturers take full advantage of the investing public’s general lack of knowledge and feeds us the myth that superior investment skill is predictable and durable, and in turn sells lots of funds and annuities.
The truth is that there is an agenda — one that doesn’t have your best interest at heart.
At Financial Coach, we are evidence-based teachers and our job is to keep the “riff-raff” out of your portfolio, and life. True value is created by advisors who tailor solutions to the client’s specific needs and have enough respect for the client to explain “why?” When so much is riding on getting it right, Financial Coach makes transparency a priority and our role as your fiduciary partner sacrosanct.
Can any one person really know it all? We would argue the answer is unequivocally NO! The complexities of investments, income planning, long term care, social security, estate planning, special needs planning, taxes, and retirement cash flow management are overwhelming, and for any one person to lay claim to that extensive a knowledge base should leave you wondering, “Really?” At Financial Coach, you are served by a TEAM of professionals that together deliver answers to all your most pressing questions and concerns.