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Untucked Episode 103

This Coach’s Corner segment covers rebalancing. What is it, how do you do it, and what reservations investors typically have when it’s suggested. You can listen to the segment here or the entire Untucked episode here. Meghan Tait: [00:00:00] All right, we want to get into coach’s corner. Yeah, let’s do it. Um, so today […]
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Untucked Episode 100

On this episode of Untucked, the team discusses the things you shouldn’t focus on when making financial decisions. The Coach’s Corner clip can be listed to here or you can listen to the entire episode here. Meghan Tait: [00:00:00] Um, today we are going to talk about a tweet from Thomas Kopelman. Um, he tweeted […]
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Untucked Episode 99

Untucked Episode 99 – Investing at all time highs Listen to the team discuss investing at all time high’s here or the full episode here. Meghan Tait: [00:00:00] All right. Um, so today for Coach’s Corner, we are going to Um, refer to an article written by Ben Carlson called What if you only invested at market peaks? […]
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Q3 2022

Quote of the Quarter: “The key to fulfillment is allocation, not accumulation.  What matters is not about how much time or money you have. What matters is what you do with it.” Something from our team: What’s your legacy?  This fall, we’re prepared to discuss “Legacy Plans” with our clients.  Of course we review administrative items like beneficiary […]
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Q2 2022

by Kevin Janiec CFP®, MBA “Focus more on your current trajectory than your current results.” – James Clear Positive Team News Jeff’s daughter, Kayla Mastronardo, has graduated from The New School in New York City Mike’s son, Will Traynor, has graduated from high school and will be attending South Carolina University this Fall Owen’s son, […]
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Q1 2022

Quote: “There’s magic in breaking down big, hard, scary goals into attainable pieces.  ‘What’s the next smallest thing I can do?’  That’s the question you’re trying to answer.”  – Carl Richards, author of The Behavior Gap  Book As leaders in your families and communities, if you’re a rigorous thinker and you’re not satisfied with the status quo, […]
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